Two weekends ago, we went out to buy rubber shoes for my boys. They are so into basketball these days!
So, off we went to check out sports stores in Glorietta. We checked out two stores before going up to Toby's Sports Arena at the 3rd level of Glorietta 2. As we entered the store, the boys ran to the shelves and picked out the And1 excitedly.
Me: And1 (pronouncing it as "Andy")? What brand is this?Gabo: And1 (pronouncing it as "end one"), Mama. These are cool shoes for basketball. Can we get these?Rago: Yes, Mom, me too!Wizheart: Let's check the sizes and the prices first.Gabo and Rago: OK!
It was definitely cheaper than Nike and Adidas , or even those high-cut Reebok shoes, which they have outgrown.
We got the shoes, and when I murmured, "And1" pronouncing it with a short "a," both G and R said, "EndOne, Mama."
We all laughed! Funny how things turn out. At one point, you think you know better than your children. But this time, I was totally clueless about these And1 shoes.
How much thus shoes and1